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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Climate Change and Truth

The Truth About Global Warming/Climate Change

Dear Whom it may concern (Which is everyone),
I have been researching many different sources for information on Climate Change/Global Warming and the actions being taken on this issue. First of all, in general, the ‘science’ in any area is practically never complete and absolute. That being said, of which hopefully you agree, how can all these actions (Carbon Capture/Carbon Tax/Carbon Trading/Cap and Trade) be taken, using my tax dollars, when the science is even less than complete, or I would say, even more in favor of the non-anthropogenic climate change. Don’t get me wrong, I do know that the globe had been warming and in fact is now cooling, refer to WWF deception in climate fear-mongering article (http://www.prisonplanet.com/wwf-resorts-to-deception-in-climate-fearmongering.html) that shows massive increase in ice mass growth. I’m not debating the fact that the climate does change, just that human activity influencing this change is miniscule, at the most.
Initially, let’s look at some sources for the climate change debate. Of course the most popular sources are Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, with the rebuttal to that video being ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’, produced in the UK and aired on the BBC in 2007. Simply, the main argument in the Gore film is that CO2, produced by human activity, is causing global warming due to the greenhouse effect. Disproving this is the Global Warming Swindles case that first of all, CO2 produced by humans accounts for about 3% of the CO2 released into the atmosphere every year. Second, CO2 accounts for a very minimal amount of the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. First, and most of all, is water vapor, which acts as a greenhouse based on the amount of sun spot activity and cosmic rays, again explained in the Great Global Warming Swindle. Thirdly, CO2 concentrations have been higher in history along with the earth’s temperature, according to the Vostok Ice Core graphs (http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/investigations/es2105/es2105page03.cfm, http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/investigations/es2105/es2105page04.cfm. Now, if that’s not enough to mute the point of human CO2 being a problem, I don’t know what is.
Next, since anthropogenic CO2 isn’t the cause of this global warming, or climate change, then what is? Well, I’m no scientist, but it would make a ton of sense that the huge ball of energy, radiating it’s heat throughout the solar system, might have the most, or only significant, effect on our climate. The point for this is that the sun is the source of all energy input into the earth, and all other planets in our solar system, which are following earth very closely in temperature trends. Moreover, the sun’s rays also effect the amount of cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere which affect the cloud, or water vapor, patterns. Again, my source for this information is the Great Global Warming Swindle, which sources many different scientists from a few different areas in the environmental sciences. In this documentary, some of the scientists report that they have tracked sunspot activity in comparison to our global earth temperatures for hundreds of years. They found that there is a direct relationship to one another, in that, the more sunspot activity the higher the temperature and vice-versa. In an article (http://www.infowars.com/2008-coolest-for-at-least-five-years/), they report that August ‘08 had the least sunspot activity in recent years, practically none, and how that translates to record low temperatures recorded around the world. The article also points out the 2008 year trend and how it translates in temperature records.
Finally, the politics of it all, and how they deceive! The IPCC is one of the biggest reporters of this anthropogenic climate change, claiming a scientific consensus based on the reference to over 2,000 scientists listed in there 2001 report. Well, in the Great Global Warming Swindle, they actually interview a few of these so-called 'scientists' that believe in anthropogenic global warming and they, in fact, disagree! These scientists claim they were just consulted and that they do not actually believe that humans are causing global warming. Also, not just a few of these scientists were listed falsely, but many of the colleagues they know were listed, as stated in the film. Also, many non-scientists were listed as part of this group of 2,000 or more. This false claim of a scientific consensus, even in this one report, is enough to cause suspicions on motives of the UN’s IPCC, never mind other reasons like the fact that the executive summary is politically driven, not scientifically based and written, not by scientists, but by beaurocrats. Another case of this 'falsifying of information', aka lying, is an article () that tells us some of these IPCC scientists that were caught using September ’08 temperature values for October ’08, copied directly over from September to October. This is just ludicruous, the fact that scientists are caught lying, on such an important topic, pretty disgusting. Even one more example is the article (http://www.prisonplanet.com/arctic-ice-grows-30-per-cent-in-a-year.html, http://www.prisonplanet.com/wwf-resorts-to-deception-in-climate-fearmongering.html) that shows how the WWF is deceiving it’s readers/members on polar ice cap growth for the last 30, or so, years. The WWF only shows the decline in ice cap mass until 2007. However, from 2007 to 2008 the northern ice cap has grown at least 33% in the last year. Moreover, the ice caps on mars and others planets have also been declining and increasing in the same pattern as Earth’s (http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2006/161106suvjupiter.htm), which shows no link between human CO2 production and ice cap growth, ie. climate change.
I hope this has shone some light on the subject of climate change and the facts that show evidence of non-anthropogenic climate change. Please, do not take this lightly or as just another single person pushing some lone opinions. I have asked around my community, local stores, restaurants, family and friends, of which all agree that anthropogenic climate change has practically no effect. Please take this to heart, research for yourself and take action.

This is just my personal letter to my MLA, Environment Minister of AB and any other media applicable. Please feel free to use this in entirety to forward to your rep's if you have the desire, which I hope you certainly do! There is some room for debate in some of the points made in this article but I know the amount that it would affect the overall argument, or evidence, is negligable. Please spread this or any other info on debunking the anthropogenic climate change THEORIES, thanks.

Here are some links:
Link to stories on Climate Change

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